Introducing Anna Davy - Class of 2024

Anna Davy / Photo: Kathy Pitout Photography

Q&A WITH Anna Davy

1. What inspired you to enrol at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

Cooking is a way to make people happy, and it helps satisfy me. I can’t see myself sitting in an office, and if I’m going to do something for the rest of my life, it should be something I love. 

2. What are you hoping to achieve here?

The basic answer is to learn how to cook, but there are a lot of social and economic skills that I need to develop. I know that this course will push me out of my comfort zone, and by the end of it, I hope to be capable and reliable in any kitchen that I am given the opportunity to work in – and hopefully one day run. I hope to be able to have the confidence to say yes to any job and have the skills to follow through.

3. Explain what you are prepared to give of yourself.

This is something I have been battling with. I’ve come to understand that to work wholeheartedly and achieve what I want, I must be prepared to prioritise cooking above everything else. For the duration of my time at this school, that won’t be a problem. However, my family and faith have always been things that I prioritise, things that come first, and I’m not willing to change that. So, to say that I am willing to give my all, would be dishonest.

4. What is your long-term goal?

Once I have saved enough money, I want to travel and cook. My dream is to move to Europe, buy an old English double decker bus (a red one) and live on the top and turn the bottom bit into a restaurant. That way I can travel, own a restaurant, and still have home no matter where I go.

5. In how many years do you hope to achieve this?

I’d love to say five, but realistically 10.

6. Are you aware that the pressure you’ll be placed under during the course will help you achieve your goal? Elaborate on your ability to cope with pressure.

Absolutely, I can work well under pressure depending on the way it is delivered. If I don’t feel that I’m letting anyone down and I’m not being screamed at, I am good at remaining calm and focused. I am fully aware that there will be times when my circumstances aren’t preferable, but hopefully by the end of the year, I will have learnt how to cope in these situations.

7. Do you shy away from hard work? Elaborate on your answer.

I don’t like it, but the satisfaction at the end is exhilarating, and usually if I do something that I expect to be challenging and find it isn’t, I end up feeling quite disappointed.

8. Are you willing to perform all tasks assigned to you? Give a reason for your answer.

Yes, mainly because I have a lot of trust in the staff at the school, and I know that I won’t be asked to do something that won’t be beneficial to me.

9. Are you aware that the hospitality industry requires you to work on weekends and public holidays while quest ‘play’? Comment on this.

The hospitality industry is where I will play. The guest who are ‘playing’ will most likely be heading back to a 9 – 5 where they, unfortunately, can’t ‘play’

10. Who is your favourite international ‘foodie’?

Probably Jamie Oliver.

11. If food had a personality, what dish would you be most like – and why?

I couldn’t quite decide so in terms of dishes – Crème Brûlée, because its sweet, a little complex, and a small amount is rich enough to be fulling. And my dad likes them… I don’t know if this is a dish, but spicy garlic pasta with yogurt and cheese, because each flavour, mainly chilli and yogurt, is very different but necessary – much like the different parts of my personality and how they are essential to create me.

12. Where were you born and raised?

I was born in East London, South Africa. I had the best childhood imaginable, and then moved to Zimbabwe after 11 years.

13. Apart from food what hobbies do you enjoy?

I love playing the guitar, painting and running.

14. What dish do you find least inspiring? Explain the reason.

Any dish that I had to cook for school (cornish pasties, sausage rolls, steamed pudding, etc.). The reason I say that is because we weren’t allowed to play with the recipes or add anything that was ‘ours’ to the dishes.

15. Name four celebrities you’d like to have at your dinner table. Explain why.  

Candice Owens, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jonny Depp, and Elon Musk – I think the conversations would be interesting and amusing.