The Book Boutique in Toti

The Book Boutique
Thank you to everyone who came to meet chef Jackie Cameron at her book launch at The Book Boutique in Toti. It was extra special because it was the first book event we’ve hosted in our new outside area, and Jackie is a great example of why we celebrate Women’s month.
— The Book Boutique

Jackie Cameron has inspired us to keep working towards our dreams and to continue to create new goals. She isn’t afraid of hard work and talks about working non-stop with such enthusiasm and the biggest smile on her face – while showing no sign of fatigue in her lively appearance – which reassures us that true passion can overcome any perceived limitations. We have signed copies of Baking With Jackie Cameron available for purchase and have tested the recipes for our cake counter. The recipes are easy to follow and as intended by Jackie, this really is a ‘go to’ book for baking with a varied selection of cakes and pastries (both sweet and savoury).

The second half of the year is always the most exciting in the world of publishing, as the big names in writing usually aim to get a bestseller out in time for Christmas. This month doesn’t disappoint so check out snippets of what’s in store online at
We look forward to hearing about your latest reading experiences the next time you visit us in store.