Post December Feasts

Jackie Cameron
I’m by no means a vegetarian but with all the recent delicious Christmas offerings and feasts in the Cameron’s household, I am very much so leaning to the vegetarian side. And to be honest when eating out I often order the vegetarian option.
— Jackie Cameron

I love having a starter, then vegetarian main and a dessert. I find a meaty main course pushes me over the edge sometimes. I’m a strong believer that going out for dinner should be the start of an evening. So balance is needed, a heavy main… as the saying goes “maagies voel Ogies toe.” This really applies to me. The idea portion sizes are when I can have two starters and a small vegetable main offering and a dessert.

But at home, simple little tomato puff tarts are ideal-we use homemade puff pastry and literally oven roast with some sliced cherry tomatoes on top. Spinach and feta stuffed courgette bites, you can use whatever filling you enjoy, there must just be a cheesy element to combine everything… I guess if you didn’t have this you could use egg yolks, instead. But one of the most delicious vegetarian options that I was asked to taste a few weeks back at “The Terrace” in Hilton by the owner Mira Staszowska, who is also a strong supporter of my school and the functions I hold here.  (If you are interested in knowing more about up-coming cooking classes and events please email to go onto our data-base.)

Mira and her team made this most delicious beetroot borsch, my palate was surprised at the simple deliciousness of this together with the complex dimensions within this little bowl.  I’m not hugely fond of any sorts of ‘beetroot soups’ so I would never have ordered this but what a special tasting gift.  This is Mira’s recipe and own twist taken from her roots being Polish. When she was little she would often eat this in Poland with her grandmother and mother.

She has happily parted with this recipe for all of us to be able to enjoy. I was going to suggest visiting her restaurant and tasting it first-hand but I see there has been much renovations on this site. I’m content to know I have Mira’s beetroot borsch close at hand.

Here is to eating more vegetables and less of the wrong meats. Hold your cash back and treat meat as a spoil, so buy the right meat-know your farmer, then every day. I know what is on my menu this evening.

Explore my website to find out more about my women's chef range - men's to come shortly; remember Baking with Jackie CameronJackie Cameron Cooks At Home and all my foodie adventures. I always look forward to hearing from you so send an email to:

Find me on Facebook – Jackie-Cameron-School-of-Food-Wine
Twitter: @jackie_cameron
Instagram: jackiecameronincolour

Food assistant and recipe developer: Thembalethu Zuma
All Photos taken by:
Kate Martens Photography
Contact: 0828798328
Twitter: @kate_martens