Introducing Joshua Levy - Class of 2024

Joshua Levy / Photo: Kathy Pitout Photography

Q&A WITH Joshua Levy

1. What inspired you to enrol at Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine?

I applied to the school because of its esteemed reputation and comprehensive culinary curriculum. I was inspired by the opportunity to receive hands-on training and to learn from renowned Chef Jackie herself. I believe that studying here will equip me with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the culinary industry.

2. What are you hoping to achieve here?

I aim to enhance my culinary skills, deepen my understanding of culinary arts and gain valuable industry experience - ultimately, preparing me for a successful career in the culinary industry.

3. Explain what you are prepared to give of yourself?

I am fully committed to dedicating my time, energy and passion to my studies. I am prepared to immerse myself in learning, actively participate in all aspects of the programme and strive for excellence in every task. Additionally, I am eager to contribute positively to the school community, collaborate with fellow students and try my best to personify the goals and values of the institution.

4. What is your long-term goal?

My long-term goal is to establish and manage my own restaurant which is fueled by my deep-seated passion for curating unforgettable dining experiences. I envision crafting an inviting atmosphere imbued with warmth and innovation, where patrons feel welcomed and truly appreciated. Through meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to exceptional service, I endeavor to position my restaurant as a culinary destination, enriching the local dining scene and fostering enduring community connections.

5. In how many years do you hope to achieve this?

I hope to achieve my goal of owning and operating my own restaurant within the next decade. However, I understand that the culinary industry is volatile and I remain open to adjusting my timeline based on opportunities and circumstances that arise along the way.

6. Are you aware that the pressure you'll be placed under during the course will help you achieve your goal? Elaborate on your ability to cope with pressure.

I am aware of this. With a background in the industry, I've learned to thrive in demanding environments and to view challenges as opportunities for growth. My resilience, adaptability, and strong work ethic enable me to remain composed and focused under pressure. Leveraging my industry experience, I prioritise very effectively and seek support when needed while maintaining a positive outlook and ensuring I navigate pressure with the confidence and determination that is expected of me.

7. Do you shy away from hard work? Elaborate on your answer.

No, I do not. My experience in the restaurant and bar industry - where high-pressure situations and demanding work are the norm - has equipped me with a strong work ethic and a resilience to challenges. I am accustomed to long hours, multitasking, and maintaining a positive attitude even in demanding environments. I believe hard work is a fundamental aspect of achieving success in the industry I have chosen, and I approach challenges with a proactive and determined mindset.

8. Are you willing to perform all tasks assigned to you? Give the reason for your answer.

Certainly, I'm more than willing to take on any task assigned to me. I recognise the collaborative nature of the culinary and hospitality industry and I understand the importance and necessity of each contribution, no matter how big or small. Whether it's prepping ingredients, assisting with service, or helping with administrative duties, I will approach each task with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Every task presents an opportunity for personal and professional development, and I'm fully committed to giving my best effort in all jobs and aspects of the industry handed to me.

9. Are you aware that the hospitality industry requires you to work on weekends and public holidays while guest play? Comment on this.

Yes, I'm aware of this. Despite the challenges, I see it as an opportunity to contribute to guests' enjoyment and satisfaction. My experience in the industry has prepared me for this reality and my passion for delivering exceptional service drives me to excel, even if this occurs during unconventional/inconvenient hours.

10. Who is your favourite international 'foodie?

Marco Pierre White. His culinary mastery and innovative approach have earned him widespread acclaim. I admire his dedication to excellence and his ability to inspire chefs worldwide along with his attitude towards the idea that anyone 'can ' cook and that awards don't mean much if you aren't innovating.

11. If food had a personality, what dish would be most like you - and why?

If I were a dish, I'd be a fresh berry and mozzarella salad. This salad mirrors my ability to blend diverse flavors seamlessly, just as I effortlessly connect with people from various backgrounds. The sweet and tangy berries represent my empathetic nature which allows me to understand and relate to others' perspectives while also offering my own opinions which might not always be the 'sweetest’. The creamy mozzarella signifies my smooth ability to adapt and thrive in social settings where I typically excel at fostering meaningful connections and building rapport with many different people. Much like this refreshing salad, I bring a harmonious balance to interactions, creating inclusive and welcoming environments where everyone feels valued and understood but also challenging the norms and not allowing people to get away with things that I find inappropriate.

12. Where were you born and raised?

I was born in Johannesburg, raised in Durban, and spent much of my adult life back in Johannesburg.

13. Apart from food what hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy following global politics, relaxing with video games, watching movies, reading, and exploring a diverse range of music genres, particularly the predecessors to many modern styles.

14. What dish do you find least inspiring? Explain reason.

I find most curry dishes somewhat uninspiring despite the wide array of spices they would typically include. While curries often boast a diverse range of spices and ingredients, I find that the overall flavor profile often feels consistent across different recipes. This limitation which may seem paradoxical, given the plethora of spices, can often stifle innovation and experimentation. As a result, I believe there's a sense of predictability in curry dishes which offers little opportunity for culinary exploration.

15. Name four celebrities you'd like to have at your dinner table? Explain why.

  • Eric Clapton, a living legend in the music industry, would bring a depth of experience born from decades at the pinnacle and forefront of rock, blues and music in general. His remarkable journey, which is marked by soaring highs and profound lows, resonates deeply with me and showcases the resilience and humanity behind the iconic persona. As someone who admires Clapton not only for his musical genius but also for his ability to navigate the complexities of life, I would relish the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about art, struggle and the human experience.

  • Massimo Bottura, a trailblazer in the culinary world, shares a similar trajectory to my own, having transitioned from a background in law to pursue a passion for food and innovation. His revolutionary approach to Italian cuisine, grounded in tradition yet unafraid to challenge conventions, mirrors my own appreciation for classical ingredients mixed with innovative techniques. Bottura's relentless pursuit of excellence and his commitment to using food as a medium for cultural exploration and storytelling resonate deeply with me.

  • Christopher Nolan, with his visionary approach to filmmaking, would offer a fascinating glimpse into the creative process behind some of cinema's most groundbreaking works. I would be eager to explore his philosophy on artistic integrity and the pursuit of innovation, drawing parallels to my own quest for creativity and authenticity.

  • Rick Rubin, a pioneering force in the music industry, embodies a spirit of fearless experimentation and boundary-pushing creativity that I deeply admire. I would eagerly engage in discussions with him about the intersection of art and commerce and the importance of artistic integrity. I envision an evening filled with rich, meaningful conversations that transcend the boundaries of art, music, film, and food. Together, we would explore the depths of human experience and celebrate the power of creativity.