
Hummus / Kate Martens (p)

Jackie Cameron
Hummus, a thick paste made from ground chickpeas and sesame seed, made originally in the Middle East, is always in my fridge. It compliments meat dishes and is delicious with a selection of cheeses and dips.
— Jackie Cameron



  • 1 can Chick Peas (strain liquid off and discard it)
  • 5ml Durban Masala or any Red Curry Masala
  • 30ml freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
  • Pinch ORYX Salt
  • Pinch Black Pepper
  • 5gr Garlic
  • 120ml RIO Largo Olive Oil
  • 2.5ml Paprika


  1.  Place all the ingredients into a liquidiser and liquidise on a high speed until a thick and creamy consistency is reached.
  2. Place in a serving bowl and garnish with whole chickpeas and sprinkle of paprika.